Public Works - Priority Bike Lane Cleaning History

Priority Bike Lane Cleaning History

The interactive map below shows where priority bike lanes have been cleaned in the past several days. The City has worked with local cyclists to identify approximately 25 miles of priority onstreet bike lanes in Eugene. The Public Works Maintenance Division has increased the number of street sweepers and leaf vacuum vehicles on these streets with a goal of keeping these high priority routes as clean as possible.

To customize the information about bike lane cleaning history, in the viewing pane above the map, click on “street sweepers” or “leaf vacuums” to view the specific type of cleaning equipment. To select the time range, in the “date” pane select the date (ranges from today to five days ago).

The information displayed in the map comes from automatic vehicle location (AVL) transmitters located in sweepers and vacuum trucks deployed on high priority bike routes. No guarantee is made that bike lanes will be free of leaves based on the bike lane cleaning history map. If you encounter leaves in a bike lane, please use the “bike lane service request” form tab above to report problems to Public Works Maintenance.

Please note that this application has been tested and works best in the latest version of all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. If you are experiencing problems, please verify that your browser is up to date.

To customize the information about bike lane cleaning history, in the viewing pane above the map, click on “street sweepers” or “leaf vacuums” to view the specific type of cleaning equipment. To select the time range, in the “date” pane select the date (ranges from today to five days ago) and then hit the refresh button (two blue arrows to the right of the panes).
